Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bahraini girl

Girls are sensitive, emotional creatures and communities have to respect, protect, educate, encourage her and give her a chance to create her dreams if they want their benefit,

A Bahraini Girl Who is she?!

Some say: how could we describe her its kind of an answerable question .

we can say that ...

she's a believer , She's oppressed, she's loyal, she suffice, she's patient She's a challenger and a changer.

Bahraini Girls dairies 

This photo was taken before the emerge of Bahraini revolution, This painful picture of a 13 years old girl which she was charging her mobile, suddenly she got injured because of a shotgun's bullet that crashed into her house !

This photo was taken before the revolution too, These people were protesting and Demanding for there rights .

about 20 and more people in Al- Ma'amer gets cancer from the pollution from factories, what did they get is tear gas and more pollution to choke them untill death . The meaning of this uncaring and injustice is to shut up Bahraini girls and thier needs , what did they get out of this country is getting Aressted and aresst their beloved ones and Dieing form that poisoning air . All human has the RIGHT to have a clean society a clear air .why treating our gentle girls like animals and worse !!

In that picture above, A girl who is protesting in Mammeer village saying: "it's my right to live in a clean environment ", as we know Mammeer is the land of death, there are factories that is a big source of cancer & daisies, because of that we got killed and they Don't even look at us because they simply don't care, and they consider us as animals, 'they aren't Bahraini, so what do you expect?!!, they only want their benefit and you see them running in all directions just for a thing called MONEY $_$ 

 pollution in Mameer village


They stormed in our schools, arrested girls & teachers, as well torturing them, insulting and humiliating them.
watch video :

Schoolgirls targeted in Bahrain raids


Only In Bahrain,  Bahraini girls are criminals because they expressed their feelings!!

Attacking the poet (Ayat Al Qurmuzi,20 years old) house and Arresting her . Ayat said that when she was arrested she never felt that she was  a human being ! They used different ways to torture her and the females who were with her.  They kept them in a small room that smelled very bad, it was filthy and full of insects, and they were continuously beating her and cursing them without any pity or mercy  .

Arresting females from city center mall  

video : arresting females from city center mall 


Bayan Dahaim : listen to the little prisoner talkin about her tragedy

Ashwak Al Maqabi (17 years )  is one of  female  prisoners  in city center issue , she was arrested from the parks , and a fat policewoman sat on her , when she told her that she’s has sickle cells anima  & Ashwak couldn’t  breathe , the police woman said :Great, I will be very glad if you died Now !  her cousin cried when she saw that seen !  police tortured Ashwak  & they  re-arrested her from the hospital ..

Ashwaks friend said : I didn’t believe  that Ashwak become arrested at  the first time ! and the second was the biggest shock .  I feel sad when I study while she’s suffering cruelly behinde jail`s bars . 

Daughters of Zainab Al Salman , also was arrested from city center`s mall.

Daghters of females prisoners now clean there house , cook , wake up early ... etc , in one word they do house work instead of their mothers ! 

Amal  (17 years old )  , they attack her house without a reason, & got beaten up. 

injured girls

Sister of martyr Ali Jawad Al Shaik 

Watch speech of
Fatima daughter of martyr Abd AlRasool Al Hujairi

The Pictures above says:Free my father , when will my father
­come !!

 Free our fathers ! 

Any heart will bleed if it  saw a loved one was taken to an anymos place  , girls are very emotional , what will happen to a girl that a security force  attacked her house , arrested her father , brothers  after beating them without mercy!  moreover she gets beaten up  & insulted !!

They sometimes pee on them & terrify them with different kinds of weapons !

The daughter of the prisoner Komail Al Manami is wondering : my father didn’t see me warring kindergarten uniform  , & he will never see me wearing school uniform either ?! I miss him , I love him a lot , he didn’t do something wrong , so why is he arrested !
Free my parents 

watch how did the security forces arrest @angryarabiya  "Zainab Al Kwajah "  

Deprivation of education right ! 

This photo was taken after 4 hours of sprinkling pepper spray on her eyes !

This Little girl is only 1 year , security forces found her brother walking on his way to go to his house after school  , security forces  prosecuted  on her brother to his house , they attacked his house !! what a barbaric & cruelty there was  3 children there  , security forces sprinkle pepper spray on their eyes  , then they fire tear gas in their house as well !

Bahraini girls are oppressed in their  own country ! every day pro-regime those who have Bahraini passports & her country harasses her by words

   in her school and­ in her university  !

The Simple way to support us : share this blog with your friends ,  Al Kalifa’s government  are afraid of their international reputation they just love to lie and lie and lie more so that the truth could be hidden  ! 

Beeting girl in streets , how will beeting  her is jail to be ?!

This is another picture of a colappesed girl
who breathed tear gas and got hitted on the head by A police roit .

Chat conversation end

 and more !
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